
Swimming Update

Dear All,

Following the government’s announcement yesterday regarding the closure of all leisure facilities from 5th November, the last club swimming session will be on Wednesday morning.

We will update you with further developments as we receive them.



Resumption of Archway

Hello Everyone

The early morning sessions (6.30 to 7.30am) on Monday and Wednesday will resume at Archway from 21st September. We plan to keep the current SPLC session on a Friday morning (7.30 to 9.00 am) going as it stands at the moment until we get our normal Sunday slot back when we’ll revert to three morning sessions at Archway. The SPLC session will remain on a rota basis however the Archway sessions won’t be rota based unless we get a sudden surge of interest.

The cost for the Archway sessions are £5 payable after the session into the Club account or you can set up an SO (for the morning sessions only) at the previous rates i.e.

  • 3 sessions / week = £45 monthly,
  • 2 sessions / week = £33 monthly,
  • 1 session / week = £17 monthly.

If you set an SO up can you let me know please.

As soon as I hear more about the resumption of sessions on a Tuesday evening I’ll let you know.

If you have any queries please get in contact




Hello Everyone

Yesterday we unfortunately received notification from Archway School that they won’t in fact be opening up the pool until September at the earliest. As soon as we have a definite date for restarting training we’ll let everyone know. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.

In the meantime could anyone who has yet to complete the Return to swimming declaration and the Health survey please return these to Richard Searle asap so everything is in order prior to restarting.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in contact.



Swimming session update

Hello Everyone

Attached is a letter from the committee regarding the resumption of club swimming sessions. It’s important that as pools begin to open up and sessions begin to restart (and if you want to swim with the club during the current Covid-19 situation) that you return the attached forms to Richard asap.

I have also attached Swim England’s ‘Advice for Returning to Exercise after Covid-19’ in case anyone has had Covid-19 it and isn’t sure what they should do.

If you have any queries please contact Richard or myself,



All Swimming Sessions Cancelled

Hello Everyone

Unfortunately following tonight’s announcement by the Prime Minister we have cancelled all swimming sessions from immediate effect and for the foreseeable future.

We know you will be hugely disappointed and frustrated however we have no option but to follow Government instructions. We will be in contact as soon as there is an update or some better news,


The Committee

Stroud Masters in the Local Answer

Dear Swimmers,

The Local Answer has written a short article on Stroud Masters which you may find of interest. It is now published on their website and in their booklets which can be found in various outlets in and around Stroud (Subscription Rooms / Library etc).


The Committee

AGM and Committee Nominations

Dear All,

Just a reminder that the swimming club AGM will be held on Monday 17th February at 18:30 at The Britannia Inn, Nailsworth. As in previous years some of those attending will be going for a curry afterwards. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Attached are the Nomination form and Agenda. An updated copy of the consitution can be found here.



Draft Constitution 2020

In line with Swim England recommendations we are proposing a new constitution to be voted on at our annual AGM. A copy can be found here and also on the About section of the website.

AGM and Committee Nominations

Dear All,

The Club AGM is to be held on Monday 17th February 2020 at 6.30 pm at the Britannia in Nailsworth. Everyone is welcome to attend.

It would be great to see some new members on the committee next year and attached is a form for nominations. If you wish to stand for any of the positions on the Committee please complete and return by the 19th January with your details. If you have any questions about any of the roles don’t hesitate to contact a Committee member. For information, the current Committee positions are as follows: