Easter Swimming Times
Sessions over Easter are as follows
- Good Friday - Archway - 7.30 - 8.30am
- Easter Sunday - Cancelled
- Easter Monday - Archway - 7.30 - 8.30am
If you have any queries please get in contact
Happy Easter!
Sessions over Easter are as follows
If you have any queries please get in contact
Happy Easter!
Hello Everyone
Just to let you know that there will be no swimming next Sunday as it is Easter Sunday.
Any queries let me know
Jack Powis, Mark Partridge, Jessica Wooddisse, Mark Barrett
Dear All,
Just a reminder that Stroud Masters are holding their Annual General Meeting on Monday evening (14th February) at 6:30pm.
For those that wish to join, the Zoom log in details have been e-mailed.
The Committee
Dear All,
The Club AGM is to be held on Monday 14th February at 6.30 pm via Zoom. Details of how to log in and relevant documents will be circulated nearer the time.
Attached is a form for nominations to the committee, and if you wish to stand for any of the elected positions please complete and return it to me by the 10th January with your details. If you are interested in becoming a co-opted member (non-elected) please also indicate on the form. A more detailed explanation of the roles can be found within the club constitution on the website. If you have any questions about any of the roles or the workings of the committee don’t hesitate to contact a committee member. For information, the current Committee positions are as follows:
Role descriptions for the first three positions are available on the Club website.
Please also send me details of any resolutions you may wish to put forward at the AGM by the 10th January.
Jessica - Club Secretary
Hello Everyone
Please find attached the Club membership form for 2022. If you could complete and return to myself and pay the annual membership fee into the club account before the end of January that would be great. If the membership form and fees are not received by the end of January then I’ll assume that you do not wish to renew and your ASA registration will cease.
It is important that the membership form is fully completed and returned so we can keep our records up-to-date especially if your details or contact details have changed over the last year.
I’m pleased to say that the membership fee remains the same as previous years at £45.00 (£22.50 for second claim) as do the session fees (see below):
Sunday morning and Tuesday evening sessions: £5.00 members (trial sessions also at £5 per session up to a maximum of three sessions)
For the weekday morning sessions
If you have any queries please let me know. Could you also let me know if you don’t intend to renew your membership,
Thanks & Happy New Year
Hello Everyone
Swim times over the Christmas break are as follows :
If you have any queries please let me know.
Hello Everyone
The sessions at Archway on 29th Oct and 1st Nov have been cancelled due to unavailability of lifeguards as Sean, Richard and Mark are all away competing in various competitions that weekend.
The Sunday morning session at Stratford Park is unaffected and will go ahead as normal,
Sorry for any inconvenience - if you have any queries let me know
Hello Everyone
Just a reminder that we are back at SPLC on Sundays - starting tomorrow @ 7.30am
Everyone is welcome. Please make sure you have completed the return to swimming online form beforehand though.
Any queries let me know
Dear All,
The committee is pleased to inform everyone that from Sunday 3rd October the regular Sunday morning swim session at Stratford Park will resume. The session starts at 07:30 and finishes at 09:00.
Please note that we are no longer taking cash payment on poolside. Swimmers are requested to pay £5 per session into the club bank account (unless paying by standing order) with a note of the date of the session attended.
In addition, for those who have not yet returned to the club since the Covid pandemic, please complete the mandatory form that has been e-mailed. This is required prior to attendance.
Friday morning sessions will revert to Archway Pool from 1st October at the usual time of 06:30 - 07:30.