
Easter Swimming

Hello Everyone

Just to advise that there will be no swimming next Sunday (Easter Sunday) at SPLC, but back to normal the week after.

Also, the early morning sessions at Archway on Good Friday and Easter Monday will start at 7.30am instead of 6.30am.

All other sessions are as normal. If you have any queries please get in touch,


Stroud Masters AGM

Dear All,

Just a reminder that the Stroud Masters AGM will take place at 6:30pm on Monday 20th March at The Old Lodge, Minchinhampton (GL6 9AQ). All are welcome to attend. Attached is the agenda. Regards


Archway Pool Closures

Hello Everyone

Unfortunately Archway Pool is currently closed for maintenance. As a result the following sessions are cancelled

  • Tuesday 7th March
  • Wednesday 8th March

We will send further updates before Friday 10th.

Kind regards


Do you fancy a free swim session?


The committee recently decided that we’d like to offer everyone in the club the opportunity to take a free session at Archway, either on a Tuesday evening or on Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning.

This offer is open to everyone who doesn’t normally attend these sessions.

There’s no particular time limit but if you are interested please take it by the end of April.

If you have any queries please get in touch


New AGM Date

Hello Everyone

Due to unforeseen circumstances we have decided to delay the AGM until Monday 20th March.

Venue and timing to be decided however once it has been firmed up I’ll let everyone know,



Stroud Masters Club AGM

Dear All,

The Club AGM is to be held on Monday 20th February at 6.30 pm. Details of venue and relevant documents will be circulated nearer the time.

Attached is a form for nominations to the committee, and if you wish to stand for any of the elected positions please complete and return it by Sunday 29th January with your details. If you are interested in becoming a co-opted member (non-elected) please also indicate on the form. A more detailed explanation of the roles can be found within the club constitution on the website. If you have any questions about any of the roles or the workings of the committee don’t hesitate to contact a committee member. For information, the current Committee positions are as follows:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Elected members (up to three)
  • Co-opted members (up to three)

Role descriptions for the first three positions are available on the Club web-site.

The AGM Agenda is also attached.

Please also send me details of any resolutions you may wish to put forward at the AGM by the 29th January.



Stroud Masters Swim Fees 2023

Hello Everyone

Please find attached the Club membership form for 2023. If you could complete and return to myself and pay the annual membership fee into the club account before the end of January that would be great. If the membership form and fees are not received by the end of January then I’ll assume that you do not wish to renew and your ASA registration will cease.

It is important that the membership form is fully completed and returned so we can keep our records up-to-date especially if your details or contact details have changed over the last year.

I’m pleased to say that the membership fee remains the same as previous years at £45.00 (£22.50 for second claim). Unfortunately though we have had to increase the swim session fee (to £6) as well as the SO payments. Over the last year the club has been impacted with significant increases in pool hire charges both at Archway and especially at Stratford Park which unfortunately we have had to pass on to members. We are not anticipating any further increases in the coming year but in the unlikely event that we do then we may have to reconsider the session fee part way through the year, as well as the annual membership fee for 2024.

From January 2023:

Sunday morning and Tuesday evening sessions will now be £6.00 for members with the three free trial sessions to potential new members still remaining in place.

For the weekday morning sessions

  • Early weekday morning sessions: £6.00 per casual swim (pay as you swim) or
  • £55 per month in advance/SO for 3 morning sessions each week per month
  • £40 per month " " any two mornings each week per month
  • £21 per month " " any one morning each week per month

(Please dont pay any membership fees into the account until next Jan 2023.)

If you have any queries please let me know. Could you also let me know if you don’t intend to renew your membership,

Back to normal swimming from Wednesday 4th January

Happy New Year


Early Morning Swim Sessions Wed 28th and Fri 30th

Hello Everyone

The early morning sessions this week will start at 7.30am and not the usual 6.30am.

As a reminder the next Tuesday evening session at Archway isn’t until Tuesday 10th. The next Sunday session at SPLC is on Sunday 8th Jan,

Happy New Year
