
Xmas Swim Times

Hello Everyone

Swimming arrangements over the Christmas and New Year period.

  • Sunday 22nd SPLC am - as normal
  • Monday 23rd Archway am - moved to 7.30-8.30am
  • Tuesday 24th Archway pm - cancelled
  • Wednesday 25th Archway am - cancelled
  • Friday 27th Archway am - cancelled
  • Sunday 29th SPLC am - cancelled
  • Monday 30th Archway am - cancelled
  • Tuesday 31st Archway pm - cancelled
  • Wed 1st Archway am - cancelled
  • Fri 3rd Archway am - cancelled
  • Sunday 5th SPLC am - back to normal

Apologies for the lack of swimming opportunities during this time but the school has, unusually, closed down for most of that time. If you have an queries please get in touch,


Possible Training Session at Bath University

Hello Everyone

We are looking at the possibility of hiring one or two lanes at Bath Universitiy’s 50m pool in January and would like to gauge interest from club members.

The session would be on a Saturday, and be for 60 or 90 minutes depending on availability of the pool and a coach,

Please could you respond to myself and Mike if you are interested,


National Championships Results

Some great results from Mark representing Stroud at Sheffield this weekend in the Swim England National Championships.

There were over 1600 competitors taking part ranging in ages from 18 to mid 80s


  • 6th in 200m breaststroke
  • 7th in 50m backstroke
  • 8th in 50m fly
  • 8th in 100m breaststroke
  • 9th in 50m breaststroke

Pool Closures (3rd and 12th November)


Just a reminder, there is no swimming at SPLC on Sunday 3rd November, or at Archway pool on Tuesday 12th November. Both pools are closed on these dates.


South West Masters Champs - Results

Team Stroud’s results from today’s South West Masters Champs at Millfield

Neil (tough age-group!)

  • 50m freestyle - 26.99 (5th)
  • 100m freestyle - 1.00.48 (5th)


  • 100m breaststroke - 1.52.60 (2nd) [club age-group record]
  • 50m freestyle - 39.50 (1st)
  • 100m freestyle - 1.30.01 (2nd)


  • 50m backstroke - 38.59 (2nd) [club age-group record]
  • 100m freestyle - 1.07.58 (2nd)
  • 50m breaststroke - 43.07 (2nd)


  • 50 backstroke - 40.46 (1st)
  • 50 freestyle - 32.80 (2nd)
  • 50 butterfly - 40.87 (1st)


  • 100m breaststroke - 1.25.44 (2nd)
  • 100m freestyle - 1.10.34 (1st)
  • 50m breaststroke - (DQ)

Big Swim 2024 Results

It was the Cotswold Big Swim today at Lake 32.


  • 5k - Alice 1st in age group, Sean 1st, Nick 3rd
  • 3.8k - Jessica 2nd, Mark 2nd
  • 1.9k - Alan 3rd

Alice, Sean, Mark, Jessica, Alan, Nick

Tuesday Evenings


The committee has some good news regarding Tuesday evening swimming. You’ll be pleased to know that Alice (Pinney) has volunteered to coach regularly on a Tuesday evening. She is a level 1 coach, likes teaching technique, and is keen to help the club out which means that we can start the Tuesday session as normal again from 1st October. (You might know Alice from the morning sessions). We aren’t in a position to start back any earlier due to Alice’s other commitments in September.

Alice is not yet qualified as a lifeguard, so will be supported by both Richard Searle and Richard Percival until she can get her qualification which hopefully will be in mid October.

We are going to run the session for three months and reassess again at the end of the year. It’s vitally important that this session is well supported each week otherwise it may be at risk again. To give you an idea we’d be looking for at least eight or nine swimmers in each session to cover pool costs.

We’d also like a volunteer from the Tuesday evening regulars to train up to cover lifeguard duties on any occasion that Alice can’t make it and someone else steps in, otherwise the session may be cancelled. If anyone is interested please contact me and I can explain what is involved.

If anyone has any queries on the above please get in touch.

See you there
