
Stroud Masters AGM 2019

Dear All, The Club AGM is to be held on Monday 25th February at 6.30 pm at the Britannia in Nailsworth. Everyone is welcome to attend. It would be great to see some new members on the committee next year and attached is a form for nominations . If you wish to stand for any of the positions on the Committee please complete and return by the 18th February with your details.

Gloucester Masters Entry Form 2018

Hello Everyone For anyone who is interested in competing in the Gloucester Masters Open Meet this year the entry form is now available - see link below. The date is Sunday 31st March and will no doubt there will be a small contingent going from Stroud. If you have any queries at all please get in contact with me. The Competition Calendar on the club web-site will be updated shortly if you want any information about other events in 2019.

Membership 2019

Hello Everyone, Please find attached the Club membership form for 2019. If you could complete and return to myself or one of the committee members before the end of January 2019 together with your membership fee that would be great. If, however, the Membership Form and Fees are not received by the end of January then it will be assumed you do not wish to renew and your ASA registration will cease.

Xmas and New Year Session Times

Hello Everyone You’ll be pleased to know that all sessions are on as normal except for the following: Christmas Day (Archway 6.30pm) - cancelled Boxing Day (Archway 6.30am) - cancelled Sunday 30th December (SPLC 7.30am) - cancelled as SPLC doesn’t open until 9am. New Years Day (Archway 6.30pm) - cancelled The morning sessions at Archway on Friday 28th and Monday 31st December will start at 7.30am rather than 6.30am so everyone can have a lie in.

Stroud Masters Christmas Party 2018

Dear All, This year’s Stroud Masters Christmas party will be on Thursday 13th December. Please see Christmas Meal Flyer - 13th Dec 2018 for details and send your responses to Dot. Regards Jessica

New Constitution

Following the Special General Meeting of 27th September the Club Constitution has been updated. The new constitution can be found on the Documents page.

Stroud Masters Pizza Evening

Dear All, Don’t forget that it is Stroud Masters pizza evening on Thursday 27th September at Stroud Brewery. We are aiming to arrive between 5:30 and 6:00pm. We will also be voting on the new club constitution as part of a Special General Meeting as per previous e-mails. Hope to see you there The Committee

Cancelled Sessions - 30th, 31st July

Hello Everyone Just to let you know that the following session are cancelled as we have no lifeguard available. Monday 30th July 6.30 am - 7.30 am Tuesday 31st July 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm