
Membership for 2020

Hello Everyone

Please find attached the Club membership form for 2020. If you could complete and return to myself or one of the committee members before the end of January together with your membership fee that would be great. If, however, the Membership Form and Fees are not received by the end of January then it will be assumed you do not wish to renew and your ASA registration will cease.

Christmas Swimming Changes

Changes to sessions over Christmas are as follows:

  • Sunday 15th December - Cancelled
  • Sunday 22nd December - Cancelled
  • Tuesday 24th December - Cancelled
  • Wednesday 25th December - Cancelled
  • Friday 27th December - 7:30 -> 8:30am
  • Sunday 29th December - Cancelled
  • Monday 30th December - 7:30 -> 8:30am
  • Tuesday 31st December - Cancelled
  • Wednesday 1st January - Cancelled