Membership and Swim Fees for 2024

Hello Everyone

I’m pleased to say that both the membership and swim fees remain the same for 2024 as last year i.e. swim fee @ £6 per swim and membership fee @ £45.00 (£22.50 for second claim). Please pay the annual membership fee into the club account after 1st January but no later than the end of January. If the membership fee is not received by then it will be assumed you do now wish to renew and your Swim England registration will cease.

I’ve attached the Club membership form for 2024. If there have been any changes to your details e.g. change of address, phone number, contact etc, could you complete and return to myself.

We are not anticipating any further increases in swim session costs during the coming year but in the unlikely event there are, then we may have to reconsider the session fee part way through the year (as well as the annual membership fee for 2025).

From January 2024:

  • We will maintain the three free trial swims for new members considering joining the club.
  • For those paying per swim:
    • £6.00 per swim
  • For those paying for weekday morning sessions in advance
    • £55 per month in advance/SO for three morning sessions each week per month
    • £40 per month " " any two mornings each week per month
    • £21 per month " " any one morning each week per month

Club bank account details are as follows:

  • sort code 55-61-08
  • account number 75548070

If you have any queries please let me know. Could you also let me know if you don’t intend to renew your membership,

