Membership 2015
Existing memberships are due for renewal…
Hello Everyone
Please find attached the Club membership form for 2015. Please can you complete and return to Lorraine (or Mark or Jessica) before the end of January 2015 together with your membership fee of £45.00. If the Membership Form and Fees are not received by the end of January then it will be assumed you do not wish to renew and your ASA registration will cease.
It is important that the membership form is fully completed so we can keep our records up-to-date.
The membership fee remains the same as for the previous two years at £45.00 (£10.00 for second claim), however we have decided to increase the cost of the Sunday and Tuesday sessions to £4 from 1st January 2015 which we feel still represents good value.
Sunday Morning and Tuesday evening sessions: £4.00 members (£4.50 for those wanting to try a session prior to becoming a member)
Early weekday morning sessions: £4.00 per casual swim (pay as you swim) or £38 per month in advance/SO for 3 morning sessions each week per month £26 per month " " any two mornings each week per month £13 per month " " any one morning each week per month
For those of you who pay, or wish to pay, by Standing Order and need a SO Form then please let me know. (We may need to review the session payments again during the year should there be any dramatic increases in water time charges or unexpected costs).