Royal Navy Masters Open Meet - March 2012

A team of Stroud Masters traveled to Millfield School to compete in the annual Royal Navy Masters gala.

Richard Searle, Jessica Wooddisse, Mark Partridge, Lorraine Savagar, William Lee

Richard Searle, Jessica Wooddisse, Mark Partridge, Lorraine Savagar, William Lee

Competing in the most competitive age group William Lee selected a range of five events to contest with a well deserved highest placing of 4th. The men’s 100m butterfly provided a personal best time and silver medal for Mark Partridge who won two further silver medals and a bronze. Team mate Jessica Wooddisse picked up medals of each colour and again gained a personal best time in the butterfly. The most successful swimmer of the day was Richard Searle who won 3 gold medals and set meet records in the 100m breaststroke and the 50m backstroke.

Swimmer Event Time Position
Richard Searle 400 F/S 4:50.46 1st
50 F/S 28.14 4th
100 brst 1:19.27 1st
50 back 33.22 1st
Will Lee 50 brst 42.22 7th
50 F/S 30.88 8th
100 IM 1:21.71 7th
50 fly 35.61 4th
100 F/S 1:09.32 5th
Mark Partridge 100 fly 1:10.62 2nd
50 F/S 27.54 3rd
100 IM 1:11.26 2nd
100 F/S 1:02.89 2nd
Lorraine Savagar 100 fly 1:47.21 3rd
50 F/S 35.87 3rd
50 back 47.65 3rd
100 F/S 1:20.43 5th
Jessica Wooddisse 100 fly 1:12.87 1st
100 IM 1:18.89 3rd
50 fly 34.11 2nd
100 F/S 1:08.38 2nd