Gloucester Masters Open 2011

Mother’s Day saw the annual Gloucester Masters Open Meet attended by a strong contingent of Stroud Masters swimmers.

The only mother on the team, Lorraine Savagar, took home three silver medals in freestyle, butterfly and backstroke events. Following her lead Lewis Saunders gained silvers in the 400m freestyle and 100m backstroke and completed his morning with two further events. Joining him in the 400m was Greg Clements who took a bronze medal and gained personal best times in butterfly and the 100m freestyle. New recruit to the team Alex Belcher swam a series of excellent times in his three events and was rewarded with a silver and a bronze medal. Individual medley gold and silver in breaststroke went to Jon Arnold who was taking a break from triathlon competition. He selected two of the same events as William Lee who produced good swims in a tough age group. Also competing in this age group was Kerrie Aldridge who won two golds, a silver and a bronze. Mark Partridge took the first of his three gold medals in the 400m freestyle and rounded off his competition with a bronze in the backstroke sprint. Likewise Jessica Wooddisse took 3 golds and finished with a silver in the breaststroke sprint. In total the team brought home twenty two medals, a creditable performance for a small club.

Event Swimmer Time Posiiton
400m F/S Lewis Saunders 7:28.30 2nd
Greg Clements 5:25.40 3rd
Mark Partridge 5:05.60 1st
Jessica Wooddisse 4:47.39 1st
50m Fly Lorraine Savagar 41.81 2nd
Kerrie Aldridge 33.76 3rd
Greg Clements 34.50 5th
Will Lee 34.05 4th
Mark Partridge 29.34 1st
50m Brst Lewis Saunders 44.29 4th
Jon Arnold 38.47 4th
Will Lee 39.99 6th
Jessica Wooddisse 42,66 2nd
100m Back Lewis Saunders 1:52.63 2nd
Kerrie Aldridge 1:09.95 1st
50m Back Lorraine Savagar 47.69 2nd
Jessica Wooddisse 39.50 1st
Kerrie Aldridge 32.59 1st
Mark Partridge 33.83 3rd
100m F/S Lorraine Savagar 1:20.30 4th
Lewis Saunders 1:29.78 5th
Greg Clements 1:09.87 4th
Alex Belcher 1:01.74 4th
200m F/S Lorraine Savagar 2:57.09 2nd
Jessica Wooddisse 2:19.46 1st
100m IM Kerrie Aldridge 1:13.93 2nd
Jon Arnold 1:19.28 1st
Will Lee 1:17.03 7th
Alex Belcher 1:08.28 3rd
100m Brst Jon Arnold 1:26.17 2nd
Alex Belcher 1:18.38 1st
Mark Partridge 1:15.60 1st
50m F/S Jon Arnold 31.08 4th
Will Lee 29.87 4th